Series 05
- -ed/-ead/-aid: bed, red, sled - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɛd/
bed, bread, bred, dread, fed, fled, head, ted, forehead, led, bobsled, pled, read (v), red, shred, said, shed, sled, spread, thread, tread, wed, zed, hospital bed, dog bed
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- -ell: bell, tell, shell - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɛl/
bell, yell, bluebell, doorbell, barbell, cell, shell, seashell, spell, tell, well, swell, dwell, fell, gel, hell, smell, jell, quell, sell, carrousel, parallel, decibel, gazelle, hotel, motel, nutshell
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- -en/-ain: pen, ten, men - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɛn/
den, Ben, fen, gen, hen, then, ken, men, pen, ten, when, again, fountain, pen, playpen, amen
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- -end: send, bend, lend - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɛnd/
bend, blend, end, fend, lend, mend, send, tend, trend, wend, amend, attend, boyfriend, descend, girlfriend, weekend, spend, pretend, friend, farm friend
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- -ent: rent, sent, bent - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɛnt/
bent, cent, dent, president, lent, meant, pent, rent, scent, sent, spent, tent, trent, vent, went, accent, cement, content, descent, event, invent, torment, unbent, consent,