Series 10
- -oke/-oak/-olk: joke, smoke, poke - the rhyme pattern involves the /oʊk/
coke, bloke, broke, choke, cloak, croak, folk, joke, oak, poke, soak, stoke, woke, yolk, cork oak, egg yolk, provoke, revoke, white oak, artichoke, yoke, stroke, spoke, smoke
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- -on/-un/-one/-: son, run, won - the rhyme pattern involves the /ʌn/
bun, twenty-one, thirty-one, forty-one, fifty-one, sixty-one, seventy-one, eighty-one, ninety-one, done, dun, fun, gun, spray gun, glue gun, no one, none, nun, one, run, fast run, pun, spun, shun, son, stun, sun, ton, won, anyone, everyone, grandson, home run, stepson
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- -op: hop, stop, top - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɒp/
bus stop, stop, bop, chop, cop, pop, crop, drop, flop, hop, fop, mop, prop, shop, top, slop, sop, strop, swap, desktop, eavesdrop, laptop, raindrop, raindrops, sponge mop, flip-flops, tank top, lollipop, mountaintop, gumdrop,
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- -or/-ore/-oor/-our/-oar/-aur/-awer/-war: for, more, store - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɔːr/
apple core, core, ore, chore, shutter garage door, front door, door, drawer, floor, tore, pour, for, ignore, semaphore, four, thirty-four, forty-four, fifty-four, sixty-four, seventy-four, eighty-four, ninety-four, herbivore, twenty-four, therefore, before, explore, snore, sore, more, dinosaur, roar, oar, wore, grocery store, drugstore, bookstore, shore, seashore, score, war, store, carnivore,
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- -ot/-aut/-ought/-watt/-yacht-: hot, pot, spot - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɒt/
astronaut, bought, slingshot, caught, cot, dot, lot, got, snapshot, hot, knot, slot, parking lot, mail slot, not, teapot, spot, pot, pepper pot, flowerpot, crock pot, coffee pot, chimney pot, bald spot, rot, shot, tot, yacht, kilowatt, megawatt, apricot