Series 04
- -at: cat, hat, mat - the rhyme pattern involves the /æt/
bat, that, at, cat, brat, chat, fat, flat, hat, gat, mat, pat, rat, sat, combat, format, white cat, black cat, winter hat, sun hat, birthday hat, placemat, non-slip shower mat, thermostat
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- -ate/-ait/-eight/-aight/-eat/: late, gate, plate - the rhyme pattern involves the /eɪt/
ate, bait, debate, crate, pet crate, date, eight, twenty-eight, thirty-eight, forty-eight, fifty-eight, sixty-eight, seventy-eight, eighty-eight, ninety-eight, freight, gait, gate, liver pate, irrigate, grate, migrate, great, hate, Kate, late, plate, Isolate, slate, roommate, playmate, separate (vb), aspirate (vb), skate, roller skates, ice skates, state, straight, rotate, precipitate (vb), wait, weight, await, procrastinate, graduate (vb)
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- -ave/aive: cave, wave, brave - the rhyme pattern involves the /eɪv/
brave, cave, crave, gave, grave, pave, rave, save, shave, slave, waive, wave, microwave, concave, engrave
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- -aw: saw, claw, draw - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɔː/
straw, saw, power saw, handsaw, hacksaw, circular saw, draw, paw, law, slaw, sister-in-law, jaw, bear claw, bear paw, chainsaw, claw, flaw, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, thaw, Utah, macaw, fretsaw
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- -ay/-ey/-eigh/-et/-quet/: day, play, say - the rhyme pattern involves the /eɪ/
array, bay, clay, fillet, day, gray, hay, hey, they, lay, may, pay, weigh, play, pray, ray, say, essay, slay, spray, stay, stray, sway, tray, paint tray, way, airway, archway, ashtray, astray, away, betray, birthday, blue jay, convey, delay, dismay, display, freeway, Friday, halfway, hallway, highway, midway, Monday, Norway, obey, parkway, pathway, payday, railway, repay, replay, relay, runway, stairway, subway, Sunday, survey, Thursday, today, Tuesday, Saturday, Wednesday, weekday, workday, x-ray, hurray!, valentine's Day, holiday, everyday, bouquet, croquet, sleigh, driveway, chalet , ricochet,
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