Welcome to the /b/ Sound Therapy Materials Page!
Explore our extensive collection of words, flashcards, and resources, all designed to enhance the therapeutic process through focused activities for the /b/ sound.
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B – [b] – Voiced bilabial plosive
The /b/ sound is a voiced bilabial plosive, which means that it is a consonant sound that is produced by using both lips to stop the airflow from the lungs, and then releasing the airflow suddenly to produce a burst of sound.
To produce the /b/ sound in English:
- The lips are brought together and the airflow from the lungs is stopped by the lips;
- The vocal cords start to vibrate as the lips are held tightly together;
- The lips are suddenly released, allowing a burst of air to be released through the vocal cords and out of the mouth, producing the /b/ sound.
- [b] & [p] are consonant cognates. Two sounds are considered cognates when they are two variations of the same basic sound that differ only in the presence or absence of a feature (voice in our case)
Articulation Flashcards: Initial “B” Sound - Monosyllabic, Bisyllabic, Polysyllabic
Initial "b_" Sound Flashcards - Monosyllabic Words
Initial "b_" Sound Flashcards - Bisyllabic Words
Initial "b_" Sound Flashcards - Polysyllabic Words
Click here to download all flashcards - Initial “B” Sound
Articulation Flashcards: Medial 'B' Sound - Bisyllabic, Polysyllabic
Medial "_b_" Sound Flashcards - Bisyllabic Words
Medial "_b_" Sound Flashcards - Polysyllabic Words
Click here to download all flashcards - Medial “B” Sound
Articulation Flashcards: Final 'B' Sound - Monosyllabic, Bisyllabic, Polysyllabic
Final "_b" Sound Flashcards - Monosyllabic Words
Final "_b" Sound Flashcards - Bisyllabic Words
Final "_b" Sound Flashcards - Polysyllabic Words
Click here to download all flashcards - Final “B” Sound
Articulation Flashcards: compound nouns 'B' Sound
Compound nouns "b" Sound Flashcards
Click here to download all flashcards - Compound Nouns “B” Sound
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B Sound Therapy Word Bank
A Comprehensive Resource for Articulatory Therapy
Welcome to the B Sound Therapy Word Bank, your go-to resource for articulation therapy. Below, you'll find an extensive list of words categorized to help you target the /b/ sound effectively in speech therapy sessions.
- base, brace, briefcase, bookcase, bake, brake, break, born, boss, bad, bench, boat, blade, braid, bear, blackness, bane, brain, butane, block, bike, beehive, basketball, baseball, ball, bawl, bee, bumblebee, bleacher, barometer, believer, beaver, bone, bet, baguette, brunette, briquette, boil, broil, blaze, banker, bring, blowing, boxing, bowling, bouncing, beginning, before, bookstore, bird-watcher, burglary, battery, bakery, ballerina, Barcelona, bark, ballpark, benchmark, birthmark, bookmark, billow, bit, beep, bleep, bound, background, browned, bay, betray, birthday, bouquet, barrow, basalt, bought, brought, bait, beet, beer, bottom, blossom, backs, blacks, baby, brick, broomstick, back, black, backpack, blackboard, bored, billboard, backward, backyard, brickyard, bodyguard, barnyard, bacteria, badge, badger, badminton, bag, brag, bagel, baker, breaker, balance, balcony, bald, ballon, balloon, boon, baboon, ban, batman, banana, bandana, band, bland, brand, bandage, basil, bandura, bank, blank, bar, bazaar, barbecue, boo, blue, barefoot, bigfoot, barn, bricklayer, basement, basket, bum, bat, brat, bath, birdbath, bathe, boot, brute, bathrobe, bathroom, bloom, boom, broom, bedroom, bathtub, baton, bon, barrel, beach, beech, bleach, breach, breech, beacon, bead, bleed, breed, beak, bleak, beam, bean, between, baleen, beans, beard, beast, beautiful, bed, bread, bred, bobsled, bedbug, bedtime, beetle, beef, brief, beg, behind, bind, blind, beige, bell, bluebell, barbell, belly, belt, below, beau, blow, buffalo, bestow, banjo, borrow, bend, blend, boyfriend, beneath, bent, berry, blueberry, blackberry, bury, beside, bide, bride, best, blest, breast, blessed, beverage, bib, bibliography, biography, biceps, bicycle, bid, big, brig, biggest, bilingual, bill, brazil, billfold, bold, binoculars, bird, bluebird, blurred, biscuit, brisket, bison, bite, bright, byte, bitter, babysitter, blackcurrant, blanket, blender, bender, blimp, blink, brink, blinker, blister, blizzard, blob, bob, blonde, blond, bond, beyond, blood, bud, bloodhound, blouse, buyer, briar, bail, bale, brail, Braille, blueprints, bluff, blurry, burry, bobsleigh, body, bolt, book, brook, bookshelf, boomerang, bang, booth, boredom, bottle, bounce, boundary, bout, bow, bough, brow, buy, by, butterfly, bye, bowl, boll, box, blocks, boxer, boy, brother-in-law, bra, bracelet, braces, bases, bracket, branch, blanch, brave, breakfast, breathe, breeze, bees, bridge, bristles, broad, broccoli, broken, bronco, bra, brother, brown, brownie, bruise, blues, booze, brush, bubble, bucket, bug, build, billed, builder, bulb, buttock, bull, bulldog, bullfrog, bog, bulldozer, bulletproof, bump, bun, brunch, bunk, bunny, burglar, buried, burn, bus, buss, bop, bush, butter, buttercup, buttocks, button, buzz, balm, blame, became, bandy, brandy, brine, baptize, butterflies, barrier, brood, batch, bower, bacterial, barge, berries, bless, Billy, bin, begin, blip, bulldoze, buck, birch, bam, broth, biff, bowed, bunker, buster, bluster, broach, but, butt, bloke, broke, blast, backer, bunchy, bust, boob, burl, blotter, breath, Ben, bagpiper, beginner, bowels, bisque, brisk, busy, blocker, bagpipe, brusque, bier, birth, believe, bleary, bracer, bother, burst, bricks, bingo, blunt, ballad, budge, blur, barrage, bass, brass, bikini, bookworm, botanic, bolus, beeper, bookkeeper, beekeeper, blacksmith, belong, buoy, built, bowel, blueprint, banger, biro, butterscotch, botch, bourse, bumper, bliss, bitten, buckle, bladder, batter, blower, bestowed, beaker, boney, baloney, ballot, buttermilk, bowler, burrito, bosh, bloody, bustard, beck, beadle, billion, based, because, biographer, bully, biz, brainy, blazon, barely, battle, bobbin, bowman, boost, booster, blubber, barf, beckon, billet, both, boarder, border, Betty, bears, bristle, blithe, browser, blunder, bailey, biodiversity, Bulgarian, biohazard.
1 Syllable:
- base, brace, bake, brake, break, born, boss, bad, bench, boat, blade, braid, bear, bane, brain, block, bike, ball, bawl, bee, bone, bet, boil, broil, blaze, bring, bark, bit, beep, bleep, bound, browned, bay, bought, brought, bait, beet, beer, backs, blacks, brick, back, black, bored, badge, bag, brag, bald, boon, ban, band, bland, brand, bank, blank, bar, boo, blue, barn, bum, bat, brat, bath, bathe, boot, brute, bloom, boom, broom, bon, beach, beech, bleach, breach, breech, bead, bleed, breed, beak, bleak, beam, bean, beans, beard, beast, bed, bread, bred, beef, brief, beg, bind, blind, beige, bell, belt, beau, blow, bend, blend, bent, bide, bride, best, blest, breast, bib, bid, big, brig, bill, bold, bird, blurred, bite, bright, byte, blimp, blink, brink, blob, bob, blonde, blond, bond, blood, bud, blouse, bail, bale, brail, Braille, bluff, bolt, book, brook, bang, booth, bounce, bout, bow, bough, brow, buy, by, bye, bowl, boll, box, blocks, boy, bra, branch, blanch, brave, breathe, breeze, bees, bridge, broad, bra, brown, bruise, blues, booze, brush, bug, build, billed, bulb, bull, bog, bump, bun, brunch, bunk, burn, bus, buss, bop, bush, buzz, balm, blame, brine, brood, batch, barge, bless, bin, blip, buck, birch, bam, broth, biff, bowed, broach, but, butt, bloke, broke, blast, bust, boob, burl, breath, Ben, bisque, brisk, brusque, bier, birth, burst, bricks, blunt, budge, blur, bass, brass, buoy, built, botch, bourse, bliss, bosh, beck, based, blessed, biz, boost, barf, both, bears, blithe.
2 Syllables:
- briefcase, bookcase, blackness, butane, beehive, baseball, bleacher, beaver, baguette, brunette, briquette, banker, blowing, boxing, bowling, bouncing, before, bookstore, ballpark, benchmark, birthmark, bookmark, billow, background, betray, birthday, bouquet, barrow, basalt, bottom, blossom, baby, broomstick, backpack, blackboard, billboard, backward, backyard, brickyard, barnyard, badger, bagel, baker, breaker, balance, ballon, balloon, baboon, batman, bandage, basil, bazaar, barefoot, basement, basket, birdbath, bathrobe, bathroom, bedroom, bathtub, baton, barrel, beacon, between, baleen, bobsled, bedbug, bedtime, beetle, behind, bluebell, barbell, belly, below, bestow, banjo, borrow, boyfriend, beneath, berry, bury, beside, biceps, biggest, Brazil, billfold, bluebird, biscuit, brisket, bison, bitter, blanket, blender, bender, blinker, blister, blizzard, beyond, bloodhound, buyer, briar, blueprints, blurry, burry, bobsleigh, body, bookshelf, boredom, bottle, boxer, bracelet, braces, bases, bracket, breakfast, bristles, broken, bronco, brother, brownie, bubble, bucket, builder, buttock, bulldog, bullfrog, bunny, burglar, buried, butter, buttocks, button, became, bandy, brandy, baptize, bower, Billy, begin, bulldoze, bunker, buster, bluster, backer, bunchy, blotter, bowels, busy, blocker, bagpipe, believe, bleary, bracer, bother, bingo, ballad, barrage, bookworm, bolus, beeper, blacksmith, belong, bowel, blueprint, banger, biro, bumper, bitten, buckle, bladder, batter, blower, beaker, ballot, bowler, bloody, bustard, beadle, billion, because, bully, brainy, blazon, barely, battle, bobbin, bowman, booster, blubber, beckon, billet, boarder, border, betty, bristle, browser, blunder, bailey, bigfoot, boney, berries, bestowed.
3 Syllables +
- basketball, bumblebee, believer, beginning, burglary, battery, bakery, bodyguard, badminton, balcony, banana, bandana, bandura, barbecue, bricklayer, beautiful, buffalo, blueberry, blackberry, beverage, bicycle, bilingual, blackcurrant, boomerang, boundary, butterfly, broccoli, bulldozer, bulletproof, buttercup, butterflies, barrier, bagpiper, beginner, bikini, botanic, bookkeeper, beekeeper, butterscotch, baloney, buttermilk, birdwatcher, burrito, barometer, ballerina, Barcelona, bacteria, biography, binoculars, bacterial, biographer, Bulgarian, biohazard, brother-in-law, bibliography, biodiversity.
- verb, curb, herb, adverb, bathtub, club, drub, dub, grub, hub, nub, pub, rub, scrub, shrub, snub, stub, sub, tub, nightclub, cub, bib, crib, glib, jib, nib, rib, blob, bob, cob, glob, gob, hob, job, knob, lob, slob, mob, rob, snob, sob, swab, corncob, bulb, cab, crab, dab, drab, fab, flab, gab, grab, jab, lab, scab, nab, slab, stab, tab, taxicab, cobweb, web, ebb, boob, flashbulb.
1 Syllable:
- verb, curb, herb, club, drub, dub, grub, hub, nub, pub, rub, scrub, shrub, snub, stub, sub, tub, cub, bib, crib, glib, jib, nib, rib, blob, bob, cob, glob, gob, hob, job, knob, lob, slob, mob, rob, snob, sob, swab, bulb, cab, crab, dab, drab, fab, flab, gab, grab, jab, lab, scab, nab, slab, stab, tab, web, ebb, boob.
* globe, lobe, probe, strobe, robe, ebb, cube, rube, tube - these words have a silent 'e' at the end, but they end phonetically with the 'b' sound.
2 Syllables:
- adverb, bathtub, nightclub, corncob, cobweb, flashbulb.
3 Syllables +
- taxicab
- above, abrasive, abrasion, database, newborn, airborne, firstborn, dibber, workbench, TV-bench, tugboat, steamboat, speedboat, sailboat, rowboat, riverboat, abort, snowmobile, automobile, sunblock, roadblock, Alberta, album, volleyball, handball, tetherball, softball, snowball, racquetball, paintball, paddleball, meatball, kickball, gumball, football, eyeball, basketball, baseball, bumblebee, frisbee, debater, incubator, defibrillator, unbeliever, wishbone, trombone, thighbone, alphabet, ambulance, abacus, observing, herbivore, disembark, abound, earthbound, eastbound, homebound, rebound, unbound, obey, subway, wheelbarrow, cobalt, debate, cuboid, rosebud, subtraction, baby, maybe, lumberjack, comeback, feedback, horseback, leatherback, blackboard, freeboard, billboard, cardboard, chessboard, keyboard, pegboard, scoreboard, skateboard, surfboard, springboard, clipboard, Siberia, obese, handbag, sandbag, mailbag, schoolbag, tea-bag, icebreaker, imbalance, baboon, tablespoon, cabana, headband, handlebar, crossbar, barbecue, hubcap, combat, birdbath, sunbathe, re-bathe, bathrobe, globe, lobe, probe, strobe, wardrobe, earlobe, robe, umbrella, oblique, submarine, tambourine, jellybeans, bobsled, bedbug, redbug, bluebell, doorbell, barbell, decibel, sunbelt, crossbow, elbow, rainbow, unbent, strawberry, raspberry, cranberry, blueberry, blackberry, February, library, gooseberry, vocabulary, obituary, mulberry, hackberry, herbicide, spareribs, bibliography, forbid, yellowbird, hummingbird, bluebird, absurd, catbird, snowbird, frostbite, snakebite, babysitter, clubhouse, ribbon, gibbon, neighborhood, zebrawood, bobsleigh, somebody, everybody, deadbolt, notebook, textbook, storybook, about, eyebrow, good-bye, rabbi, goodbye, thereby, sandbox, mailbox, gearbox, chatterbox, cowboy, able, label, sable, stable, table, enable, disable, roundtable, unable, gable, drawbridge, abroad, heartbroken, half-brother, paintbrush, toothbrush, bubble, double, trouble, rubble, stubble, litterbug, ladybug, humbug, heartburn, sunburn, vibration, celebration, rosebush, abuzz, cabbage, combine, membership, chubby, scrubby, cimbalom, tablecloth, filibuster, cobweb, ebb, rebut, Alabama, robust, cube, rube, tube, cucumber, observe, cymbal, symbol, nimble, thimble, All-Bran-Flakes, Raisin-Bran, December, member, ember, November, remember, September, exhibition, ambitious, objective, subjective, starboard, dribble, dibble, nibble, scribble, sibyl, childbirth, object, embassy, embarrassment, Caribbean, flashbulb, sabotage, garbage, garbanzo, gazebo, non-verbal, verbal, herbal, gerbil, goblet, rebuilt, hamburger, labyrinth, husband, abduction, jackrabbit, habit, rabbit, abyss, laboratory, observatory, lobster, mobster, lumber, cumber, number, slumber, Manitoba, Marble, garble, amblyopia, Quebec, neighbor, oboe, hobo, October, sober, orbit, peek-a-boo, cocobolo, probability, mobility, problem, sweatband, subtitle, robin, bobbin, abdomen, rubber, blubber, scrubber, rubbish, ruby, rugby, rutabaga, scuba, Cuba, tuba, sibling, dribbling, nibbling, snowboarder, Glass-door-cabinet, cabinet, subtract, syllable, polysyllable, tablet, roundabout, toboggan, tubular, urban, turban, suburban, vegetable, wallaby, zebra, Libra, zebu, zombie, Nebraska, Robot, flammable.
2 Syllables:
- above, newborn, airborne, firstborn, dibber, workbench, tugboat, steamboat, speedboat, sailboat, rowboat, abort, sunblock, roadblock, album, handball, softball, snowball, paintball, meatball, kickball, gumball, football, eyeball, baseball, frisbee, wishbone, trombone, thighbone, abound, earthbound, eastbound, homebound, rebound, unbound, obey, subway, cobalt, debate, cuboid, rosebud, baby, maybe, comeback, feedback, horseback, blackboard, freeboard, billboard, cardboard, chessboard, keyboard, pegboard, scoreboard, skateboard, surfboard, springboard, clipboard, obese, handbag, sandbag, mailbag, schoolbag, teabag, baboon, headband, crossbar, hubcap, combat, birdbath, sunbathe, rebate, bathrobe, wardrobe, earlobe, oblique, bobsled, bedbug, redbug, bluebell, doorbell, barbell, sunbelt, crossbow, elbow, rainbow, unbent, spareribs, forbid, bluebird, absurd, catbird, snowbird, frostbite, snakebite, clubhouse, ribbon, gibbon, bobsleigh, deadbolt, notebook, textbook, about, eyebrow, goodbye, rabbi, goodbye, thereby, sandbox, mailbox, gearbox, cowboy, able, label, sable, stable, table, gable, drawbridge, abroad, paintbrush, toothbrush, bubble, double, trouble, rubble, stubble, humbug, heartburn, sunburn, rosebush, abuzz, cabbage, combine, chubby, scrubby, cobweb, rebut, robust, observe, cymbal, symbol, nimble, thimble, member, ember, starboard, dribble, dibble, nibble, scribble, sibyl, childbirth, object, flashbulb, garbage, verbal, herbal, gerbil, goblet, rebuilt, husband, habit, rabbit, abyss, lobster, mobster, lumber, cumber, number, slumber, marble, garble, Quebec, neighbor, oboe, hobo, sober, orbit, problem, sweatband, robin, bobbin, rubber, blubber, scrubber, rubbish, ruby, rugby, scuba, Cuba, tuba, sibling, dribbling, nibbling, subtract, tablet, urban, turban, zebra, Libra, zebu, zombie, robot.
3 Syllables +
- abrasive, abrasion, database, TV-bench, riverboat, snowmobile, Alberta, volleyball, tetherball, racquetball, paddleball, basketball, bumblebee, debater, alphabet, ambulance, abacus, observing, herbivore, disembark, wheelbarrow, subtraction, lumberjack, leatherback, icebreaker, imbalance, tablespoon, cabana, handlebar, barbecue, umbrella, submarine, tambourine, jellybeans, decibel, strawberry, raspberry, cranberry, blueberry, blackberry, library, gooseberry, mulberry, hackberry, herbicide, yellowbird, hummingbird, neighborhood, zebrawood, somebody, storybook, chatterbox, enable, disable, unable, heartbroken, litterbug, ladybug, vibration, membership, cimbalom, tablecloth, cucumber, December, November, remember, September, ambitious, objective, subjective, embassy, sabotage, garbanzo, gazebo, nonverbal, hamburger, labyrinth, abduction, jackrabbit, October, peek-a-boo, subtitle, abdomen, snowboarder, , cabinet, syllable, roundabout, toboggan, tubular, suburban, wallaby, Nebraska, flammable, automobile, incubator, unbeliever, Siberia, February, babysitter, everybody, celebration, filibuster, Alabama, exhibition, embarrassment, Caribbean, Manitoba, cocobolo, mobility, rutabaga, vegetable, defibrillator, vocabulary, obituary, bibliography, laboratory, observatory, amblyopia, probability, polysyllable.
B compound nouns
- half-brother, roundtable, All-Bran Flakes, Raisin Bran, glass door cabinet, baseball glove, boxing glove, rubber glove, birthday cake, Cobra Snake, bread sauce, brown sauce, wire brad, adjustable wrench, Billy goat, roller blades, teddy bear, polar bear, grizzly bear, bun hair, blond hair, auburn hair, burglar alarm, block abc, seat bike, baby doll, rugby ball, tennis ball, soccer ball, bowling ball, beach ball, tub and tile cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, blue jays, cork bung, bubble blowing, butterfly catching, screwdriver bit, black sheep, blue jay, bank vault, bald spot, root beer, baby chick, battery pack, bike rack, ironing board, diving board, chopping board, trash bag, sleeping bag, shopping bag, punching bag, paper bag, bin bag, poppy bagel, Sesame bagel, baking paper, hot air balloon, garbage can, piggy bank, candy bar, basketball player, football player, baseball cap, waste basket, storage basket, laundry basket, hanging basket, Easter basket, bubble gum, black cat, birthday hat, bubble bath, bike path, bathing suit, frontal lobe, temporal lobe, occipital lobe, parietal lobe, bay window, broken window, string bean, green bean, blue jean, bear cub, lion cub, golf club, rose shrub, goatee beard, hospital bed, dog bed, bell pepper, black cherry, bird’s nest, blood test, dollar bill, birthday party, door knob, gingerbread house, blow dryer, blow torch, blue ribbon, blue whale, board wood, machine bolt, phone booth, spray bottle, bottle cage, bottle opener, bow tie, cabbage roll, tool box, tissue box, lunch box, letter box, drummer boy, bok choy, bear claw, bear paw, brake cable, card table, pool table, British Columbia, bronze medal, brake pedal, toilet brush, steel brush, scrub brush, lightning bug, bull-nose pliers, school bus, bus stop, bus station, subway station, peanut butter, sand crab, king crab, rubber stamp, double chin, garbage truck, bee moth, spider web, bank account, bunch of grapes, ice cube, seat tube, head tube, butterfly fish, doll buggy, body armor, observation post, bur (burr), life buoy, beef burger, bath towel, light bulb, bar code, log cabin, phone number, cardinal number, natural number, rational number, irrational number, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, back and forth, toothbrush holder, audio biographer, stainless steel scrubber, bell ringer, storage cabinet, table tennis, black sea.