Series 01
- -ab: cab, grab, slab - the rhyme pattern involves the /æb/
cab, crab, dab, drab, fab, flab, gab, grab, jab, lab, scab, nab, slab, stab, tab, taxicab, sand crab, king crab
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- -ack: back, sack, track - the rhyme pattern involves the /æk/
back, yack, yak, black, clack, crack, flack, hack, shack, jack, lumberjack, knack, lack, pack, battery pack, backpack, plaque, rack, track, Spice Rack, cooling rack, bike rack, sack, sac, slack, snack, stack, tack, whack, wrack, attack, comeback, feedback, horseback, rucksack, soundtrack, leatherback, thumbtack, haystack, lilac
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- -ad: sad, mad, glad - the rhyme pattern involves the /æd/
add, cad, bad, had, lad, grad, wire brad, dad, glad, mad, pad, lily pad, launch pad, plaid, sad, scad, shad, tad, ironclad,
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- -ag: bag, tag, rag - the rhyme pattern involves the /æɡ/
bag, brag, dag, drag, fag, flag, gag, hag, lag, mag, nag, rag, sag, shag, slag, snag, stag, tag, price tag, wag, handbag, sandbag, mailbag, trash bag, sleeping bag, shopping bag, punching bag, paper bag, bin bag, zig-zag, schoolbag, tea-bag