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Flashcards - Abstract Concepts
These abstract concepts are ideas that are not tied to any specific physical objects or instances, and we may form them by abstracting common properties or characteristics from concrete examples. These general concepts (mental constructs) are important--they are helping us to develop our critical thinking, to use higher-order thinking skills, to make connections between different ideas, to think more deeply about a subject and so on. They have a positive impact in our cognitive development.
Here you may find some simple and some complex abstract concept e.g., half-whole, numbers, different, empty-full, empty, full, few-many, heap, horizon, skyline, unusual, vertical, horizontal, oblique, happy-sad, love, fear-anger, good-bad, right-wrong, big-small, heavy-light, fast-slow, hot-cold, wet-dry, loud-quiet, up-down, in-out, near-far, first-last, inside-outside, above-below, behind-in front of, on-under, courage, empathy, patience, creativity, gratitude ...