Series 12
- -um: drum, sum, plum - the rhyme pattern involves the /ʌm/
drum, bum, crumb, come, chum, dumb, from, glum, gum, sum, bubble gum, mum, hum, plum, plumb, scum, some, thumb,
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- -ump: jump, bump, stump - the rhyme pattern involves the /ʌmp/
bump, chump, dump, hump, jump, trump, long jump, plump, insulin pump, pump, rump, high jump, stump, lump,
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- -unk: sunk, chunk, trunk - the rhyme pattern involves the /ʌŋk/
bunk, chunk, clunk, drunk, dunk, flunk, hunk, junk, monk, plunk, punk, shrunk, skunk, spunk, sunk, trunk
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- -air/-ere/-ear/-air/-are/-ear/-wear/: air, fair, wear - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɛər/
air, there, bear, fair, dare, flair, flare, glare, hair, hare, scare, snare, pear, spare, square, stair, stare, wear, teady bear, polar bear, grizzly bear, wheelchair, highchair, white hair, wavy hair, tied up hair, straight hair, spiky hair, red hair, pig tail hair, grey hair, golden hair, fringe hair, electric wheelchair, chair, bun hair, blond hair, auburn hair, share, underwear, sleepwear, repair, millionaire, pair, anywhere, cactus pear, flatware, mare, neckwear, Delaware, Tupperware, where, armchair
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- -ator/-aitor/-ater/-aiter/-ighter/: alligator, traitor, skater - the rhyme pattern involves the /eɪtər/
alligator, crater, freighter, greater, hater, skater, traitor, waiter, creator, debater, dictator, translator, calculator, cater, gaiter, grater, later, stator, alternator, educator, excavator, navigator, oscillator, operator, radiator, gladiator, elevator, generator, incubator, ventilator, accelerator, defibrillator, refrigerator, equator, crater,