Series 02
- -ain/-ane/-eign/: rain, pain, train - the rhyme pattern involves the /eɪn/
airplane, bane, brain, chain, crane, drain, feign, gain, grain, lane, mane, pain, rain, plane, plain, rein, sane, slain, Spain, vain, vein, key chain, seaplane, train, sprain, restrain, cane, butane, champagne, contain, complain, domain, explain, food chain, hurricane, pane, Maine
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- -ake/-ache/-eak: cake, snake, bake - the rhyme pattern involves the /eɪk/
ache, stomach ache, headache, toothache, bake, brake, break, cake, fruitcake, cupcake, cheesecake, pancake, wrapper cake, wedding cake, birthday cake, fudge cake, drake, flake, snowflake, hake, milkshake, lake, rake, sake, shake, snake, rattlesnake, steak, take, wake, awake, make, Cobra Snake,
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- -ale/-ail: pale, whale, tale, mail, tail, sail - the rhyme pattern involves the /eɪl/
blue whale, orca whale, ail, ale, bail, stale, bale, brail, dale, fail, gale, hail, jail, hale, mail, male, nail, pail, pale, quail, rail, sail, sale, scale, tail, tale, trail, vale, wail, wale, snail, ponytail, mallet nail, fingernail, female, garage sale, cocktail, Celsius scale, Fahrenheit scale, Righter scale, ginger ale, toenail, veil, Braille, cattail
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- -all/-awl: ball, wall, small - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɔːl/
all, volleyball, rugby ball, tennis ball, handball, tetherball, softball, soccer ball, snowball, racquetball, paintball, paddleball, meatball, kickball, gumball, football, eyeball, bowling ball, beach ball, basketball, baseball, ball, bawl, call, waterfall, rainfall, fall, town hall, hall, city hall, mall, shawl, small, sprawl, install, tall, wall, overall
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- -am/-amn/-agm/-amb/: jam, clam, ham - the rhyme pattern involves the /æm/
clam, am, bam, cam, cram, dam, yam, damn, gram, ham, jam, lam, ram, Sam, scam, spam, slam, tam, tram, engram, program, diagram, diaphragm, hologram, kilogram, milligram, telegram, traffic jam, electrocardiogram, exam, jamb, lamb, anagram, swam
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