Welcome to the Rhyming Lab:
Exposure to Rhymes and Phonological Patterns Through Interactive Exercises
From Series 10
Don't forget! You can download the PDF from the 'Rhyming Words - Series 1-15' menu to work offline and practice rhyming words anytime!
- -oke/-oak/-olk: joke, smoke, poke - the rhyme pattern involves the /oʊk/
- Simple Rhymes: oak, soak, cloak…
- Simple & Cluster Rhymes: coke, poke, yoke, broke, stroke, spoke…
- Simple & Cluster & Multi-syllabic Rhymes: coke, smoke, stroke, stoke, artichoke…
- Click on the link to open and practice rhyming exposure with each exercise in the series!
- –on/-un/-one/-: son, run, won - the rhyme pattern involves the /ʌn/
- Simple Rhymes: bun, fun, gun, nun, run, pun, sun…
- Simple & Cluster Rhymes: bun, sun, stun, spun…
- Simple & Multi-syllabic Rhymes: ton, won, son, grandson, stepson...
- Simple & Multi-syllabic Rhymes: one, done, anyone, everyone…
- Click on the link to open and practice rhyming exposure with each exercise in the series!
- –op: hop, stop, top - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɒp/
- Simple Rhymes: bop, cop, hop, fop, mop, pop, sop, top…
- Cluster Rhymes: stop, chop, drop, flop, crop, prop, shop, slop…
- Click on the link to open and practice rhyming exposure with each exercise in the series!
- --or/-ore/-oor/-our/-oar/-aur/-awer/-war: for, more, store - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɔːr/
- Simple & Cluster & Multi-syllabic Rhymes: core, sore, shore, score, before, bookstore…
- Click on the link to open and practice rhyming exposure with each exercise in the series!
- -ot/-aut/-ought/-watt/-yacht-: hot, pot, spot - the rhyme pattern involves the /ɒt/